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The Ultimate Guide to Divination by Liz Dean


Manufacturer: BruQ

Product Information

The Ultimate Guide to Divination by Liz Dean.


The Ultimate Guide to Divination is a modern seer's handbook to techniques used throughout the ages for fortune-telling and prediction. With this guide, you'll learn time-honored methods for developing your intuition, accessing the unconscious and parting the veils between the realms.


Learn to understand the deeper meaning of ordinary events and reveal what the future may hold.


Lavishly illustrated, The Ultimate Guide to Divination presents to you the oracles of the ancients, from palm-reading and tea leaves, to fortune-telling with cards, runes and crystals.


Step-by-step illustrations guide you through the methods, and helpful tables and reference charts show you how to understand and decipher common psychic symbols.


Learn the stories and meanings in everyday objects such as patterns of tea leaves and coffee grounds in a cup or delve deeper into esoteric traditions such as the tarot.  There is an oracle for every purpose and question.


The Ultimate Guide to Divination is the essential handbook to the mystic arts.


Product Code: ultimateguidetodivinationbook

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