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Prosperity Incense Powder - 20gm Glass Jar


Product Information

Prosperity Incense Powder - 20gm Glass Jar.

What makes this Prosperity powdered incense unique from other incense is the fact that it will burn freely by itself, without the need of incense charcoal or a continuous heat source. 


This self igniting powder incense is created with a base blend of Sandalwood and also includes herbs, resins and oils corresponding to Prosperity, Abundance and Attraction.


About Our Traditional Incense Powder Range

Our Incense Powder is a Natural plant based Incense Powder made with the same quality ingredients found in the sticks.  This gives a powerful burst of fragrance at a time.  These are available in different fragrances.

Instructions For Use:-

1.  Put a teaspoon amount of incense powder in a fireproof incense holder.

2.  Pinch the powder to form a mound or cone shape.

3.  Light the tip of the come and allow it to burn for 5 seconds, then lightly blow out the flame.

4.  Incense will smolder slowly and gently release it's fragrance.


Product Code: incensepowderprosperity

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