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Paraffin Wax Pellets - Vegan Friendly - 1 Kilo


Product Information

Paraffin Wax Pellets - 5 Kilo.


Our Pillar Blend paraffin wax is biodegradable and vegan friendly.  It is ideal for making pillar candles and wax melts.  It has excellent stability and scent throw and a fragrance load up to 12%.


Features :-


*   Stable, strong scent throw

*   Compatible with most dyes

*   Easy removal from moulds

*   Bio-degradable

*   Cannot be melted in the microwave, double boiler method required.


How To Use :-


1.   Under gentle agitation melt the wax to a minimum of 75°C. This candle wax cannot be melted in a microwave. Use double boiler method to heat this wax until fully melted

2.   Add fragrance oil at up to 12% load

3.   Pour wax at 65°C. Do your own testing to determine the optimum pour temperature for your conditions. Try +/- 10°C


Please Note: -  We have given recommended melting and pouring temperatures, that is a "starting point" for your testing, as this product is natural and there might be small variations between batches. 

Product Code: paraffinwax1kilo

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