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Chakras - Seven Keys to Awakening and Healing the Energy Body by Judith Anodea


Product Information

Chakras:  Seven Keys to Awakening and Healing the Energy Body by Judith Anodea.


An introductory guide to the chakras, offering practical tools on using this incredible energy system to balance, heal and take charge of your wellbeing.


This book explores: -


*   The meaning, function and purpose of each chakra

*   The childhood experiences that affect and programme each chakra

*   The role each chakra plays in our lives, including in our health, relationships and decision-making

*   Physical, emotional and mental signs of chakra imbalances

*   Simple yet powerful exercises to balance each chakra

*   Using the chakras as a tool for liberation, manifestation, reception and expression


and much more !!!


The Hay House Basics series features world-class experts sharing their knowledge on the topics that matter most for improving your life.


Product Code: chakrashaysbook

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